Personal Details and Meeting Booking

This page will display your personal details when you access it with your Personal Link. You can receive a new copy of the link in an email by using the form at the bottom of this page.

  • When you log in, the information is divided into tabbed pages. You can view your ‘Personal information‘  or your ‘Membership information‘ by clicking on the appropriate tab.
  • Is there is a Guild meeting imminent, there will be another tab displaying details of that meeting and will allow you to book your attendance at that meeting.
  • Whenever you add, amend or change any personal details that are missing or need updating  be sure to click on the ‘Save’‘ button at the bottom of each tabbed page. 
  • You may wish to look at the GMR Privacy Policy page. (the page will open in a new tab so that you can return to this page easily).

Meetings: If you are on this page to confirm attendance at a meeting or for choosing your dinner menu for the meeting please click on the Meeting tab and enter your choices. When you have entered your choices please do NOT forget to press the ‘Save’ button at the bottom of the pageYou should receive an email to confirm your booking choices.  You can return to this page to check that your choices are saved. Clicking on the save button multiple times will not result in multiple bookings.

Please be aware that: 

  • the ‘Membership Status‘ field cannot be edited or changed, it is set by the Guild administrator.
  • items marked with a * are ‘required items’ and you must complete these to be able to save the information.


Request your Private Link

Please check you spam or junk folder carefully if an email does not arrive.