
Rules of Constitution (2014)

  1. The Society shall be called the Guild of Medical Ringers.
  2. Ordinary Membership shall be open to qualified members of any of the health
    professions whose qualification is registerable with an appropriate professional Council.
    Associate Membership shall be open to those in training in any of the health
    professions, as defined above, to the immediate family of Ordinary Members, and to
    such others associated with medicine whom the Guild elects by a two-thirds majority.
  3. The objects of the Guild shall be to foster a closer fraternity between ringers in the health
    professions and in their schools.
  4. The Officers of the Guild shall be: President, Vice-President, Master and Secretary-
    Treasurer. They shall be elected for one year at the Annual Meeting and shall have the
    management of the affairs of the Guild in their hands, with power to co-opt assistance
    from any member.
  5. Subscription – A payment of £10.00 shall entitle a qualified Ordinary Member to Life
    Membership. A payment of £10.00 shall entitle an Associate Member to Life
    Membership. A trainee Associate Member may pay £5.00 to gain Life Membership as an
    Associate Member with a balance of £5.00 to be paid on qualification which will entitle a
    trainee Associate Member to Life Membership as an Ordinary Member..
  6. The Annual Meeting shall be held on a Saturday between the 1st October and mid-
    December every year on a date to be decided by the President, Secretary and Ringing
    Master taking into account other potential conflicts. A Meeting shall be held on the third
    Saturday in May, except in exceptional circumstances, when the dates can be altered by
    the officers and the maximum possible notice given to active members. Four Ordinary
    Members may requisition an Extraordinary Meeting by giving notice in writing to the
    Secretary who shall convene a meeting within one month.
  7. A report of any peal or quarter-peal rung for the Guild shall be sent to the Secretary by
    the conductor within 14 days, together with any fee when appropriate.
  8. All members attending any ringing meeting of the Guild shall pay a levy to be donated to
    the funds of the Church(es) visited.
  9. Any alteration or addition to these Rules shall only be made at the Annual Meeting, at
    which Ordinary Members shall vote. Notice of any proposed alteration or addition must
    be made in writing to the Secretary before October 1st. The proposal shall be sent to all
    members by the Secretary with the Annual Meeting notice.