The day began with a quarter peal in the morning at St Martin Ruislip. A quarter of 1260 Grandsire Triples was successfully completed.
It was a grey day with occasional drizzle but this did not dampen spirits. The afternoon had been kindly organised by Geraldine Forster so that it was possible to take the tube or walk between towns. This led to a much more relaxed atmosphere. Several of the towers were new for members and the meeting proven very popular with up to 40 members present during the afternoon. This does however lead to logistical problems in small towers!
The first tower of the afternoon was the 8 of St Mary, Willesden and we were fortunate to be let in early. The tower was very compact here so we queued patiently outside here watching those on community service undertake their labours whilst we waited our turn to climb the stairs. The bells here were cast by Whitechapel in 1975.
Many members walked the short distance to Neasden underground to travel to West Hampstead and the 6 of St Mary, Kilburn. This was augmented to a six in 2012. Many members found tea is some of the fine cafes nearby.
Our last Tower of the day was the 8 of St Augustine, Kilburn. This has an impressive 77 meter high tower and many narrow steps to climb. The bells were cast in 1898 by Felix van Aerschodt of Belgium. They were cast on the style of chiming bells and so the front bells are very light in comparison to the tenor.
Dinner was a short walk away at the Little Bay in West Hampstead. The meeting was very challenging as we had no private room although being early we completed most business at high speed before anyone else arrived. Most papers had been circulated in advance. However the restaurant was well organised although could not cope with individual bills for drinks but was exceptional value for money.